Encouragment for the Ministry Wife - Did I Take Time for Jesus?

>> Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Did I Take Time for Jesus?

In ministry the busyness of the season can leave us with this question, “Did I take time for Jesus?”

I want to encourage you – you did!

Taking time for Jesus comes in many ways, through the quiet but also through the busyness of life.

In ministry you took time for Jesus in the Christmas programs you wrote, led, helped with or sang in.

You took time for Jesus in the smile you gave as you greeted those in your church and community.

You took time for Jesus with the kind words spoken to an elderly person or when you scooped up a child that was running past and gave a hug.

You took time for Jesus in the gifts you shopped for, wrapped and gave to others.

You took time for Jesus in the cookies you baked (or bought) and the decorations you hung.

You took time for Jesus with the co-workers you encouraged and to those friends you invited to church.

You took time for Jesus with the words of affirmation you spoke to your husband, and in the moments of laughter with your children.

As you acknowledge Him in ALL things…you take time for Jesus and He will lead you. (Prov. 3:6)

I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me! (Matt. 25:40)

So take off the guilt, embrace the day, for this is the day that the Lord has made and you have 3 days left…till Christmas!


Say Yes!

>> Friday, June 20, 2014

Somehow in my life I had embraced the concept that I must learn to say "No". Opportunities may arise on my journey but unless they fit in with my gifts and strengths and I sense God's leading I must say "No." If I don't say "No" than I might be heading down the path of being over-committed, stressed out or even walking in dis-obedience.

 It was an ever-present tension on when to say "No". So I decided my schedule, my opportunities, and my life around this one word which led to a sense of guilt.

Author, Marcus Buckingham says, "You must learn to say 'No." But, to live your strongest life, you must do the opposite. You must learn to say "Yes."

How that resonated with me. I wanted to say "Yes" to all God had for me. When I say "Yes" and embrace His will for my life, then when occasions arise where I must say "No" I am not filled with guilt, regret or indecision. I know where I am heading, living in the positive choices of life not dwelling on the negative.

 In the book, Daring Greatly, Brene' Brown discusses the “never enough” problem in our society. We live with a negative bent to life. We never get enough sleep, we never have enough money, we never have enough time, we never have enough...! The basis of this is fear - fearing the outcome of not being enough.

 When I dwelt on what I must say "No" to, I was walking in fear. The fear of letting someone down, the fear of missing that life-changing opportunity or even the fear of not being enough.

God wants us to walk in the freedom of following Him, saying “Yes” and trusting Him with the outcome. I won’t miss out, or not be enough for the moment if I am walking this journey for Him. When I have that perspective, I am able to not fear, He is in control.

I want to live a positive-bent life, saying “Yes” to all God has for me. Moses said “Yes” though he felt lack. Ruth said “Yes” though it was not her family. Jeremiah said “Yes” though he was persecuted. The disciples said “Yes” though it meant leaving everything. Most importantly, Jesus said “Yes” though it meant He would be placed on the cross. The Bible is full of people that said “Yes”.

Are you a “Yes” person?



>> Friday, May 9, 2014

So I want to share a few words concerning FEAR.

Author David Neff said this in Christianity Today - “Fear was designed by God to give our bodies the sudden bursts of strength and speed we need in emergencies.

But when fear becomes a permanent condition, it can paralyze the spirit, keeping us from taking the risks of generosity, love and vulnerability that characterizes citizens of God’s kingdom.”

 Fear is not wrong, we live in the world and fear will come but we do not want it to make a permanent home in us and change our destiny.

In the bible I think of Esther – she was called to save her people, to basically lay down her life. She at first responded with FEAR – I can’t do this. But with a little coaching from Mordacai….when he said, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” She overcame her fear – and saved a nation.

Change is not easy, transition is not easy – but many times fear keeps us from experiencing all that God has for us.

So here is the personal “fat boy” (Harley Davidson) story. I ride this machine because I decided I would not let fear paralyze me from accomplishing something I wanted to do.

After I got my license, took the three day safety course I was so excited to ride my bike. I was apprehensive of learning something new but not fearful. Everything went great…until I laid it down going around a corner. I failed! I was bruised, my ego was bruised but more importantly fear began to set in.

Dave would ask if I wanted to ride and instead of feeling that rush of joy I once felt…all I felt was fear.

One day I was looking though a Harley magazine and I saw advertisement that showed a woman on a bike with these words, “The only thing between you and riding this bike is your mind.”

I realized that was so true. I could do this but my mind was keeping me from pursuing something I loved…with the what if’s, the negative thoughts…

Psalms 56: 4: “In God I have put my trust; I will not fear.”

From that point I began to have positive self-talk…you can do this, you will do this…

 I believe many opportunities are missed because of fear.

 Fear can paralyze but risking, embracing change can open up a whole new world for each of us. Whatever that may look like in your world…don’t let fear rob you of experiencing all that God has for you.

Another advertisement for Harley Davidson says…We don’t do FEAR.


A Child-like Glimpse of the Cross

>> Saturday, April 19, 2014

My daughter, Adrian was putting my 4-year old granddaughter to bed when Emery suddenly asked why Jesus was on the cross. My daughter took out their children’s bible and read the account of Jesus dying on the cross. When Adrian looked up she saw tears in Emery’s eyes as she said, “Can we never read that story again?”
Adrian explained all the Jesus had done for her and Emery accepted Jesus as her Savior that night, but I kept coming back to her question, “Can we never read that story again?” It tugged at my heart that she got it. She was sadden to tears to know that someone had suffered and died for her.

Lord, help me to see your death on the cross through Emery’s eyes, with a child-like awe and understanding – may I never lose that.

Though I understand Emery’s desire to never go there again, to never re-live the pain of “that story” we will read it again and again. For it opens the door to a greater story, a story of His redemptive power. Jesus was not just a man that died but He is our Savior that lives today!

Yes Emery, Jesus died and that is sad but more importantly Jesus arose from the grave 3 days later and He lives for you today.

That is a story to tell over and over again.


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